The ladies of St. John of the Cross Parish got together-
So that they could have fun and get to know each other better.
They brought their own lunches, and desserts were provided with
lemonade and tea-
This was an interesting event that was going on in East Montgomery County.
A few numbers were drawn and a few prizes were given away-
A unique game of bingo was played what else could they say?
They all had to get others to sign their sheets that were filled with different
things that some of them had happened to do-
A trip to the Holy Land is basically the main thing that none
of them had been through.
In the meantime they learned many details about each other
that they hadn't known prior-
Basically, interesting, they hungered for more information,
of the details they could not tire.
Father Hai came and gave them a wonderful talk about the
importance of women throughout history-
Quoting scriptures and giving examples of how truly
wonderful womanhood could be.
They all made a craft in the form of decorating a candle-
It was easy enough, and seemed quite easy to handle.
Swapping their handmade creations with another gave
them all one brand new-
To take home, to remember, to appreciate the art of
what another one can do.
A few more numbers were drawn until all of the prizes
on the table were clear-
Flowers to take home for each of them as this gathering's
end drew near.
The ladies of St. John of the Cross Parish got
together and the only thing missing was you-
Next time they gather, please join them,
for they love and miss you, and have so much
catching up to do.
-Mary Elizabeth Rumsey-