H appy Thanksgiving to all at MTO-
A lot of blessings continue to grow.
P eyton and Hudson, have a lot of fun-
P onso and Regan work hard to get their ABC’s done.
Y es! The MTO class is the best, according to Jaclyn and Taegan.
T he Mom’s Time Out Kids learn so much-
H annah and Marlee certainly add their special touch.
A lex and Jared pay attention so well-
N oah and Tristen play together with the others swell.
K nowing that the holiday season is upon us, is easy to tell.
S tephen and John Lucas do their best to count to one hundred-
G abby and Jasmine are advancing so well ahead.
I interested Teachers such as Ms. Cindi, Ms. Susie, Ms. Severa, and Ms. Charlene-
V IP substitutes such as Ms. Catherine and Ms. Sheila are regularly readily seen.
I including Father Hai and Ms. Debbie in the background-
N ever have I seen such dedicated people who keep the children so safe and sound.
G oodies to eat and blessing galore for everyone at MTO, to be lovingly found.
(MISS MARY) Elizabeth Rumsey